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About Association Of Healthcare Providers (India)

Educating and Advocating for Well Being of Common Man

About AHPI

Association of Healthcare Providers (India) represents the vast majority of healthcare providers in India. It is registered under Indian Society Registration ACT- 1860 as “not for profit” organization. It educates to its members and at the same time, advocates with the government, regulatory bodies and other stake holders on issues, which have bearing on enabling its member
organizations in delivering of Universal Healthcare Services to the community at large.

The Association of Healthcare Providers (India)’s vision is to have healthy India, encompassing society, community and common man at grass root.

AHPI works with all stake holders in establishing a national system where, common man can avail assured universal access to basic health services. The Federation facilitates its members and partnering bodies, in carrying out healthcare improvements to serve the community effectively and efficiently.

AHPI undertakes Advocacy for Healthcare reforms, infrastructural issues, taxation and tariff issues, health insurance concerning matters and any other difficulties face by the healthcare organizations or community for healthcare delivery or obtaining healthcare services with equity. The AHPI Institute of Healthcare Quality develops and conduct various healthcare management
courses focusing on patient safety and healthcare quality, where as AHPI Healthcare Certification Centre an another subsidiary body of AHPI develops standards for different categories of healthcare establishments, certification of compliance of various standards by the healthcare agencies and customized certified training programs and training (QMS and Healthcare managerial training) for the industry. AHPI also provides information assistance to
its member organization on various problematic issues face by the client members.

AHPI in a short period of time has become the esteemed organization in the healthcare industry comprising of about 10000 hospitals as its members.

AHPI aims at integrating healthcare providers to work jointly with the stakeholders including government and society for WELL BEING of common man and build healthy INDIA. To make this task easier we have divided the work and created empowered teams at the state level. Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Delhi NCR, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Kerala, Odisha, North East, MP and West Bengal now have AHPI chapters

AHPI Govering Board

The affairs of AHPI are managed by the Executive Committee (Governing Board) as per Rules & Regulations of AHPI. The Executive Committee among others have President and Member Secretary. The member secretary acts as Chief Executive of the secretariat and is designated as Director General, who is vested with executive powers to administer the secretariat as provided in the Rules and Regulations of the AHPI.

AHPI Leadership & Secretariat

AHPI represents the vast majority of healthcare providers in India. AHPI is a not-for-profit organisation. It is registered as SOCIETY under the society registration act of 1860, vide registration number S/186/2012 dated 21st December 2012. The membership is open to all the healthcare providers such as hospitals/nursing homes/clinics, diagnostic centres, medical equipment companies, insurance providers and all others that are accountable to the community and who believe in the aims and objectives of the AHPI. All members on the roster of AHPI constitute the General Body of AHPI. The affairs of AHPI are managed by the Executive Committee (Governing Body) with total membership not exceeding twenty as per the Rules & Regulations of AHPI. The Executive Committee among others has President and Member Secretary. The member secretary acts as Chief Executive of the secretariat and is designated as Director General, who is vested with executive powers to administer the secretariat as provided in the Rules and Regulations of the AHPI.

Dr. Bhabatosh Biswas
Dr. Bhabatosh Biswas
National President
Dr. Girdhar J. Gyani
Dr. Girdhar J. Gyani
Director General
Dr. Navneet Bali
National Treasurer
Dr. Sunil Khetarpal
Dr. Sunil Khetarpal
Mr. Shikhar Gupta
Mr. Shikhar Gupta
Deputy Director
Ms. Armeen Afaq
Ms. Armeen Afaq
Executive Officer
Mr. Antony George
Mr. Antony George
Assistant Director
Mr. Jerald James
Mr. Jerald James
Executive Officer
Ms. Pallavi Singh
Program Officer
Mr. Shadrach Thangaraj
Mr. Shadrach Thangaraj
Office Manager
Prof Bhabatosh Biswas
Prof Bhabatosh Biswas
The President

Prof Bhabatosh Biswas,M.B.B.S, M.S. D.N.B, M. Ch.(Cardio Thoracic Surgery), F.R.C.S. LLB, LLM, MBA, MSW, M.A.(Education)

National President & Founder Member, Association of Healthcare Providers India (AHPI). Member, National Task Force constituted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India (PublicHealth Response to COVID-19) Former Chairman, Board of Governor, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER), Kolkata, India Former Vice Chancellor, The West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata. Former Vice President, National Board of Examinations (NBE), New Delhi. Former Editor (Thoracic Surgery), Asian Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Annals. Past National President, Indian Association of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons (IACTS) General Secretary & Founder Member, Indian Society of Thoracic Surgeons & Trust (ISTST)

Dr. Gyani Picture
Dr. Girdhar J. Gyani
The Director General

Dr. Girdhar Gyani is currently working as Director General, Association of Healthcare Providers (India). The Association (AHPI), as a conglomeration of entire healthcare providers i.e. hospitals/nursing homes/clinics, diagnostic centres, and supporting organizations like, pharmaceutical, medical equipment companies, insurance providers, etc. is working closely with the key stakeholders i.e. the Government and the Society to realise the Universal Health Coverage. The Association is registered as ‘not-for-profit’ NGO, under society registration ACT-1860. The Mission of AHPI is (a) to build capacity in the Indian health system with a focus on patient safety and affordability and (b) to undertake advocacy with the government on matters related to regulation, tariffs, financial sustainability and other issues affecting the healthcare industry.

Prior to this Dr. Gyani was Secretary General, Quality Council of India (2003-2012), an apex national body responsible for establishing and operating a national accreditation structure and promoting quality in all walks of life. Dr. Gyani introduced a number of measures, integrating quality into regulatory framework in the areas of education, healthcare, environment, industry, and public services, which are known to have resulted in good governance practices. SME World Magazine in its cover story of the June 2012 issue, described him as a Quality Man of India.

Dr. GIRDHAR GYANI is widely recognised as a founder of healthcare quality in India. During his tenure as Secretary General, Quality Council of India, Dr. Gyani played a pivotal role in the formulation and operation of National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH), for the first time in the country. He was the Principal Coordinator in developing accreditation standards for hospitals and getting them accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua). This was followed up with the development of standards for Blood Banks, Radiology Centres, Dental Clinics, Wellness Centres, and AYUSH Hospitals. Dr. Gyani functioned as founder and CEO of NABH till he superannuated in July 2012. During this period about 200- leading hospitals in the country got accredited, providing a boost to medical tourism.

Dr. Gyani has the distinction of serving as an elected director on the board of the International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua) for 4-years from 2009 to 2013. Dr. Gyani is presently the surveyor for the International Accreditation Program of ISQua. He was a nominated member of academic council of the Medical Council of India (MCI) during 2012-13, to facilitate an objective assessment of medical colleges.

Dr. Gyani is very widely travelled, which has helped him to assimilate best practices from other countries. He has been a popular speaker on Quality in healthcare at a large number of international events. He is a recipient of numerous awards and recognitions including; ’16th Lal C. Verman Award’ in the year 2002 and ‘Rotary Centenary Award’ in the year 2004 for Excellence in the field of Quality. He was bestowed with the ‘Lifetime achievement award’, jointly by DRDO, Vivekananda Yoga University, and Foundation for Quality in January 2015, for innovating quality for National Well Being. The Consortium of Accredited Hospitals (CAHO) bestowed on him the ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ during their annual conclave in March 2016. Healthcare Executive magazine in its January 2015 issue complimented him as ‘CHANAKYA of Quality’.

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